Thursday, January 12, 2012

I've never considered myself a runner. I always enjoyed walking, especially with friend, so we could talk about who knows what and before we knew it, three miles had quickly passed. I don't have that same experience with running. I live off of a street that, at times, can be rather busy. When I head out to run. I'm worried that I'll trip in front of the cars, that my shorts will be riding up my rear, etc. And forget chatting it up with a friend because I never seem to find a good pace and end up huffing and puffing. Despite all of that, I keep coming back to running. I think a lot of it is because I've never been great at it (and I don't plan on being some awesome marathoner-) but I just want to be more comfortable with it. I think if I find my own groove and not set out to run my fastest then I will enjoy leisurely runs.

Two years ago, I ran my first 5k and felt such a sense of accomplishment when I crossed the finish line. I ran two more that year and contemplated training for a 1/2 marathon but I was moving apartments and struggled getting into a routine.

I thought about making that a goal for 2012 but I've decided that a 10K will be my goal. I downloaded the Couch to 10K app on my phone and started it last night. I liked the initial workout because it's a great mix of running and walking and helps you ease into it. I think before I started out on some mad dash and quickly wore myself out. I have something to challenge myself with each week in regards to time and distance and I look forward to it.

It's also a great excuse to get new running shoes because these bad boys have seen better days.

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